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Life always comes when you least expect it to hit you on the back of the head. It can be a cruel sadness. It can be a cruel fear. At times like this the only thing we can do…”

This life that might leap anywhere—there’s no use avoiding or ignoring it. There’s just facing it and getting beaten to a bloody pulp. But at times life can surprise us with gifts that make our hearts flutter. And if we endure sadness, we are rewarded with happiness.

we got married


Leeteuk and Kang Sora!
The dimple couple 🙂
What I love about them? Everything 🙂

Joo won


I’ve known him from Ojakgyo Brothers and currently fan-girling over him at 1n2d and Gaksital ( Bridal Mask)
Part of the ’87 line he shot up in my line of sight as the chocful of aegyo maknae of 1N2D. Quick on puns and jokes he does have a cheeky side too ( hiding his hyungs’ shoes for the morning mission,so funny) although I haven’t seen him starve…yet. He portrays Lee KangTo a police officer  in the 1930s  during the Japanese occupation. His path to being the hero is not easy, it did involve his family being killed and the love of his life wanting to kill him. He now struggles to keep his identity hidden as his bestfriends vows to capture him. On top of him being the people’s hero. Drama why so heartbreakingly full of angst? I will accept you coz you are great.  GAKSSIIIIITTSASAAAALLLLL!

music of the spheres

~The chromatic scale consists of 12 tones. Arranged in time and sequence, this 12 simple tones create an infinite variety of music. Harmony and dissonance, tension and resolution all can be described by the mathematical ratios between tones, if we could translate all ratios into sound we can hear the music of  spheres.

A sound as immense, as powerful as the universe itself.

As quiet as a single stone.

As beguiling as a human heart.

For some, music elevates the spirit to place of transcendent beauty, others simply hear the beauty in the numbers themselves.


~The Earth as it rotates emits a frequency, a musical note at  7.83 Hertz, but this frequency alters slightly for reasons as yet uncertain.Some postulate solar flares as the cause or electrical disturbance in the atmosphere. But maybe there is a simpler explanation, Maybe the sound of the planet is influenced by the 7 Billion souls whirring around it each producing their own music, adding their own harmony.

If two points are destined to touch, the universe will always find a away to make the conncention, even when all hope seems lost certain ties cannot be broken. We define who we are and who we can become. Across space, across time, along paths we cannot predict nature always finds a way.


Numbers are constant until they’re not. Our inability to influence outcome is the great equalizer. Makes the world fair.

During cataclysmic  global events, our collective consciousness synchronises. So do the numeric sequences created by random number generators, science can’t explain the phenomenon but religion does, it’s called prayer. A collective request, sent up unison, shared hope,fear relieved, a life spared. Numbers are constant until they’re not, in times of tragedy, in times of collective joy, in these brief moments, it is only the shared emotional experience that makes the world seem less random. Maybe it’s coincidence, or maybe it’s an answer to our prayers

Touch Episode 7

The threads that connect us are not bound by space and time. What seems to the individual that could twist a fate  from another perspective is simply one of those threads pulled tight. How things should have been all along. And even when those threads seem irreparably frayed, they never break, not completely. But sometimes, the most important connection is here and now.

Touch Episode 5

Inspite of all our communication technology, no invention is as effective as the sound of the human voice. When we hear the human voice, we instinctively want to listen, in hopes as to understanding it, even when the speaker is searching for the right words to say, even when all we hear is yelling or crying or singing. That’s because the human voice resonates differently from anything else in the world.

That’s why we can hear a singer’s voice, over the sound of a full orchestra. We will always hear that singer no matter what else surrounds it.


Episode 4

Human beings are not the strongest species on the planet. They’re not the fastest or maybe even the smartest, the one advantage we have is our ability to cooperate. To help each other out. We recognise ourselves in each other, and we are programmed for compassion, for heroism , for love . And those things make us stronger, faster, and smarter, it’s why we survive, it’s why we want to.


-Touch Episode 3


I love eating ice cream. There was a time when I was young and I was down with the flu and cold and my cousins kept saying to me that ice cream will make me well. And so I followed. haha. Up to this day I would say I really still love ice cream. I am on an ice cream quest! ahahah